MAKILADORAS “Werk is Religie” (2003) lyrics

Werken is je leven opgeven
Je ziel verkopen met ons product
Loyaal aan de zaak, aan de zekerheid
Het bedrijf verdrijft de eenzaamheid
Collega’s zijn familie, het nut is illusie
Werk is religie!

Verkocht voor 30 zilverlingen
Je tijd te verspillen, je tijd te verdoen
Levenslang totdat je sterft
Arbeid leidt nergens toe
Weer een kringloop van papier
Je tijd te verkopen, je tijd te verdoen
Betaald! Gerespecteerd!
Overbodig voor je pensioen

Wie niet werkt, die niet eet!
Diens brood men eet, diens woord men spreekt!

Al die jaren loonslavernij
De hielen van je bazen likken
Niet eens in gedachten vrij
Voor je werk jezelf laten stikken

Hoe hou je het vol, hoe hou je het vol?!
Werk is religie!


To work is to give up your life
To sell your soul with our product
Loyal to the business, to the security
The company keeps away the loneliness
Colleagues are family
The benefit is an illusion
Work is religion

Sold for 30 pieces of silver
Spilling your time, wasting your time
A lifesentence until you die
Labour has no use
Another cycle of paper
Selling your time, wasting your time
Paid, respected
Superfluous before your retirement

Who doesn’t work, doesn’t eat
Whose bread you eat, whose word one speaks

All those years of wageslavery
How do you keep up licking those above you
Not even free in your thoughts
You let yourself suffocate for your job

How do you keep up, how do you keep up
Work is religion

It is very fashionable to critizise unemployed people, especially the happy ones that say ‘i enjoy myself on the dole, please give the jobs first to the people that really want them’. Saying that you don’t mind being last in the waiting-for-a-job-line is even seen as an insult to the desperate people at the beginning of the line. Unemployed people should be sad because ‘they are not making their own money’ even if this sad attitude doesn’t get them anywhere in life. But work is life and life is suffering and if some have to suffer, all have to suffer. I can find no other reason for work being so important. There is so few work that’s really useful and even less workers that really do something productive and therefore ‘make their own money’. Most workers provide some commercial or bureaucratic ‘services’ that are a paid for by customers and taxpayers. And still somebody harrassing other people selling loans is seen as a better member of society, than an unemployed person that has time to care for friends and family or do some volunteer work.

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featured on Today’s Lesson: Lesson 2